Trent XWB Engine
Rolls Royce

Technical Specifications
Max Thrust
330 kN
Air Mass Flow
1436 kg/s
Bypass Fatio
Pressure Ratio
5,218 mm
Max Diameter
2997 mm
7277 kg
Used on the Airbus A350, the Trent XWB has the highest efficiency turbine system of any Trent engine.
Modification, Repair and Overhaul
- Engine “Hospital” Shop Visit
- Engine “Serviceability” Visit
- Engine “Check & Repair” Visit
- Engine “Refurbishment” Visit
- Engine “Overhaul” Visit
Engine Test Cell Runs
Repair Service for Engine Components
- Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) Including Engine Build Up Kit EBU
On-Wing Support
Engine Condition and Trend Monitoring
Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics
- FPI (Fluorescent & Penetrant Inspection)
- MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)
- Immersion Ultra-Sonic NDT
- RF and Eddy Current NDT
- Borescope