Trent 1000 Engine
Rolls Royce

Technical Specifications
Max Thrust
265.3 - 360.4 kN
Air Mass Flow
1211 kg/s
Pressure Ratio
4738 mm
Max Diameter
2850 mm
5,936 - 6120 kg
The Trent 1000 is designed for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner family of aircraft. Delta has serviced these engines since 2018.
Modification, Repair and Overhaul
- Engine “Hospital” Shop Visit
- Engine “Serviceability” Visit
- Engine “Check & Repair” Visit
- Engine “Refurbishment” Visit
- Engine “Overhaul” Visit
Engine Test Cell Runs
Repair Service for Engine Components
- Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) Including Engine Build Up Kit EBU
On-Wing Support
Engine Condition and Trend Monitoring
Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics
- FPI (Fluorescent & Penetrant Inspection)
- MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)
- Immersion Ultra-Sonic NDT
- RF and Eddy Current NDT
- Borescope