PW4000-94 Engine
Pratt & Whitney

Technical Specifications
Max Thrust
275.8 kN
Bypass Ratio
Pressure Ratio
3901 mm
Max Diameter
2386 mm
4341 kg
The first model in the PW4000 family, the PW9000-94 entered revenue service in 1987. Delta TechOps has serviced these engines since 1990.
Modification, Repair and Overhaul
- Full Restoration/Overhaul (All Modules)
- Hospital Visit (Check/Repair)
- Light Maintenance (Minimal Penetration)
- Performance Restoration (Gas Path)
1st Run Warranty Repairs
Repair Service for Engine Components
- Electronic Engine Control (EEC)
- Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) including Quick Engine Change (QEC) and basic engine parts
On-wing Support
Engine Condition and Trend Monitoring
Non-destructive Testing and Diagnostics
- FPI (Fluorescent & Penetrant Inspection)
- MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)
- Immersion Ultra-Sonic NDT
- RF and Eddy Current NDT
- Borescope